A fantastic piece of writing! Melanie articulates in an excellent and nuanced manner how lockdown has affected those living alone, in long distanced relationships, navigating friendships, ticking biological clocks, boundaries and the wish for control when so many of our freedoms were removed.
This piece highlights the power of following one’s instinct and the positivity that stems from spotting the opportunity in the problem.
LOVED it – a must read, irrespective of the position you find yourself in!
Charlotte Strang, Chartered Surveyor
Melanie's lockdown story is self-aware, honest and therefore so accessible. Her sparks of humour making light of truly difficult circumstances really show how powerful we humans can be when we choose to find the opportunities for personal growth, maintain healthy boundaries and listen to our intuition.
Katy Meade-King, Complimentary Therapist
I found the stories enclosed really insightful from start to finish. The variety offered by each one made for really interesting reading, which also allowed me to easily dip in and out. Other readers will no doubt draw much comfort and inspiration from the wisdom enclosed - I certainly did.
Screen reader support enabled.
Emma Rowbory, Interior Designer
When you have no choice but to change.....
Some folk are energised by the excitement of having to rethink at pace. From a career perspective they relish the ‘burning platform’ opportunity…unaffected by a lack of perceived personal control.
Innovators by nature, live in the moment types that get a genuine buzz from switching things up and challenging their own status quo have, dare I say it, been fuelled by the recent change of play.
These people often pivot in their career paths anyway, well, just because they can…… it’s fun ….
Others, not so much, particularly those people who after decades of the proverbial ‘corporate slog’ find their well-conceived plans for their future derailed….Cliff’s biographical account of the year 2020 will resonate with many I am sure…
In the sharing of his inner thought journey over the last 18 months, Cliff captures the quasi ‘grief cycle’ of change in a very relatable way, ‘baby steps’. In it he shows us the importance of remaining open minded and optimistic.
For me, Cliff’s story is one of hope for a generation on the edge of retirement. He infers the importance of learning agility as a crucial component of contentment.
Which let’s face it, is the aspirational state for us all.
Caroline Ely, HR Consultant